
My name is Jed Sturman and helping businesses is in my DNA.

From starting a successful business to providing global management consulting services to companies ranging from start-ups to Fortune 100, I know what it takes to set a business up for success.

Many businesses have great people or an exciting product.  Then why do 70% fail in the first 10 years?

You wouldn't pick up rock climbing without a guide and instruction.  Let me help you avoid costly mistakes and work with you identify a path to profitable growth.

"Jed is a talented financial thinker, especially in his modeling skills. He's an extremely hard worker and a valuable member of the team who added perspective, strategy and insight to our process."
- Partner, Private Equity Firm

"Jed is well known for his forward thinking and esteemed ability to constantly think strategically. He is able to easily and successfully identify problematic areas and has proven to consistently develop and implement innovative & robust solutions."
- Account Manager, Advertising

"Jed has been an integral part of driving huge growth for our team over the past year of working together...[his] “full picture” analysis also aids in setting strategic long-term goals that lead to growth and scale within our existing partnerships."
- Sales Executive, Advertising